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Numbers, Part 2 and Deuteronomy: Looking Back, Heading Home

  1. Lesson One
    Ready or Not! (Num 20-36)
    17 Activities
    5 Assessments
  2. Lesson Two
    Covenantal History (Deut 1-4)
    21 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Covenantal Challenge (Deut 5–26)
    12 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    Case Study: Moses (Ex-Deut)
    11 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Looking Back, Heading Home (Num, Deut)
    12 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


So there you have it! We’ve gone from Eden to Mt. Ararat to Babel to Haran to Canaan, to Goshen in Egypt, then out of Egypt, to the amazing Mt. Sinai and through the wilderness to arrive here at Mt. Nebo. Now at last our spiritual ancestors—descendants more numerous than the stars in the sky—stand on the verge of crossing over into the land that was promised to their forefather centuries ago. 

We hope you’ll linger a bit with Moses and summarize your impressions. He has been our travel companion through five modules and four books of the Bible. His story is our story, and there’s a great deal about Exodus, Mt. Sinai and the wilderness wanderings that prefigures the story of Christ and our redemption from slavery to sin and death. There’s a great deal to learn about God, God’s people and what a life given wholly over to God looks like. 

For our ancestors, the adventure is just beginning. Ahead of us are Jericho and the conquest of Canaan; the Judges—Samson and Deborah; the kings—Saul, David and Solomon; the prophets—Samuel and Nathan, Elijah and Elisha—and eventually the exile and the return. We trust you’ll join us in Course 2. God’s people will continue to raise complaints, to stumble and grumble. But the story of God, and His mysterious purpose through this one forefather and this one family and this one people to bless all people, will go on. We will take this journey together with them … and with you!