Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study
Lesson OneStarting Well9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoCounsel, Debt and Saving9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeGenerosity and Investing9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourWork and Honesty9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveCrisis and Eternity9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixFinishing Well7 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities|1 Assessment
Participants 188
Eternal Perspective – Discussion
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Tagged: BF110-05
What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Wendy Scantlebury-Momoh replied 1 month, 1 week ago 14 Members · 21 Replies
This opened my eyes to how important the unseen is and that I have been paying too much time on the seen.
I think of weathering the storm as a test of our faith in God. The crisis is temporary and God knows what HE is teaching is necessary for our good. Praying and receiving his plan is crucial to our hearts and minds as we undergo the crisis.
It is humbling to know that my sin debt has been paid in full by Jesus. He made the way for me to go to heaven when I die via his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection. To live a life that is submitted to Him is an honor. The reward that I will receive through salvation is worth far more than I could ever hope to pay. It is the most priceless and precious free gift ever given to man.
We are really just pilgrims passing through this life. Migrants on a mission. So, I am not to get attached to stuff here. It is all temporary and fleeting. I must focus on my ultimate goal instead, heaven!
Christian Learning Center › Forums › From the video, what are some things you can do to help you focus on the “line”?
Tagged: BF110-05
From the video, what are some things you can do to help you focus on the “line”?
Stacey Oswald replied 6 months, 1 week ago 11 Members · 10 Replies
I can realize that life and everything here associated with it is temporary. I need to focus on the bigger picture and prioritize my brief time here. I must not get fixated on accumulating stuff that will not last. Only the eternal treasures really matter. I have to use my time wisely.
I learned that our life here is temporary and to focus on thing not seen.
What I am doing right now is a part of my plan as well as Jesus’ plan for me. Confess the Christ and seek his holy kingdom.
Not to get too focused on the visible or temporary, but rather focus on the invisible or an eternal perspective. And think about how I have impacted my inner circle, or others I have not met. There is work to do impacting others with the love of Christ, and for Christ.
I see how short my life is, and I’ve not done much for God. I don’t have time, so I am going to focus on the unseen, and do the best I can do about spreading the news about Jesus and how He changed my life.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How does the idea of being a pilgrim impact your thinking regarding finances and possessions?
Tagged: BF110-05
How does the idea of being a pilgrim impact your thinking regarding finances and possessions?
Raymond Tong replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 13 Members · 12 Replies
I was born with nothing and I die with nothing. I want to live for God doing what pleases God as God’s faithful steward
All things here are temporal and don’t matter in the long run. So, my finances must have a kingdom focus and there is no need for excessive possessions. Bigger is not always better!
I see it as all had and waste money and trying to live without God .
I’m ashamed of the money wasted on material possessions I need to think carefully what to do with my little time left
Well, I am not a Pilgram and according to history those people lived through very harsh conditions. Possessions and financial resources were few and far between. I would have invested everything I had into God plan for mankind and walked with the Lord by faith.