The Gospel of Mark
Lesson OneServant of God, Servant of All (Mark 2–7)18 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark 2–7
In | Workbook: Mark’s Introduction
In | Is Mark the Source for the Other Synoptic Gospels?
In | The Uniqueness of Mark
In | Patterns and Story Bundles in Mark
In | Workbook: Sandwiched Stories in Mark
In | Workbook: Two Parallel Healing Narratives in Mark
In | Central Pivot in the Gospel of Mark: “Who is He?” to “Why has He come?”
In | Three-stage Life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
In | Critical Moments and Turning Points in Mark
In | Bible Project: Mark
Behind | Onsite: Alabaster Jars and Anointing Oils
In Front | Text Criticism and Mark's Ending
In Front | Christianity Today: A Call to Evangelical Unity
In Front | Christianity Today: What's the Good News?
In Front | Educational Strategies
Getting Started
Lesson TwoGood News and the Son of God (Mark 1, 8–9, 11–12, 15, 16:1–8)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark 1, 8–9, 11–12, 15, 16:1–8
In | Introduction to Mark’s “Good News”
In | The Good News and Isaiah
In | The Gospel and the Prophetic Tradition
In | Christ as "Son of God"
In | Workbook: The Three Declarations of Son of God
In | Looking Ahead - Baptismal Formulae in Mark and the New Testament
In | Workbook: Looking Ahead - Baptismal Formulae in Mark and the New Testament
Behind | Sons of God in the Ancient Near East and Classical Antiquity
In Front | What is the "Good News?"
In Front | Christianity Today: In Jesus' Name
In Front | Michael Card's "The Beginning of the Gospel"
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSecond Exodus (Isa 40–41, 61, Jer 31)15 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isa 40–41, 61, Jer 31
In | Second Exodus
In | Exodus and the Prophetic Tradition
In | Bible Project: The Messiah
In | The Response of Creation to Jesus’ Second Coming
In | Workbook: Old Testament Background to Exorcism in Mark 5
In | A Composite OT Quotation in Mark 1:2-3
Behind | Jewish Expectations
Behind | Onsite: Eating Bread in the Desert
Behind | Onsite: Second Exodus
In Front | A Liberating Tradition
In Front | Christianity Today: The Dusty Messiah
In Front | Christianity Today: Who Awaits the Messiah Most? Muslims
Getting Started
Lesson FourProphet and Son of Man (Deut 18:18, Dan 7:13–14, Mark 10, 13–14)14 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Deut 18:18, Dan 7:13–14, Mark 10, 13–14
In | Workbook: The Transfiguration and Mt. Sinai
In | The Transfiguration and Mt. Sinai
In | Elijah and Elisha
In | Workbook: Elisha and Jesus Feeding People
In | Son of Man
In | Daniel in Mark
In | Reactions to Jesus
In | Workbook: Jesus’ Opponents in Mark
In | Jesus’ Opponents in Mark
Behind | "Son of Man" in Judaism
In Front | Service and Authority
Getting Started
Lesson FiveAuthor and Audience14 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark review
In | Getting to Know Mark
In | Languages in Jesus’ Time
In | Mark’s Language, Part 1
Behind | Hearing Peter in Mark
Behind | The 10th Roman Legion
Behind | Nero, Persecution and Jewish Revolt
Behind | Mark's Roman Audience and Ancient Literary Genres
Behind | Homer’s Odyssey and the Gospel of Mark: Calming the Storm
In Front | Who Is Mark?
In Front | "Translating" the Good News
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Mark
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 60
In | Introduction to Mark’s “Good News”
Mark begins his Gospel with these words: “The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God …” (Mark 1:1, NIV).
Already in his first line, Mark introduces several key terms. Let’s explore two of them.
What does “Gospel” mean? Literally, the Greek term euanggelion is translated “good news.” But it is a technical term for good news that is proclaimed. Another way it’s translated is “glad tidings.” That’s how we get the related term “evangelize” (euanggelizo).
These terms are used in the Greek version of the Old Testament for good tidings proclaimed by prophets as they anticipate God’s intervention for his people in history. For example, the familiar verse, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,” uses euanggelizo.
Euanggelion and related Greek words are also used in the first century for proclamations about the Roman Emperor and his Empire. This common usage for such a politically loaded term helps explain Mark’s “Gospel” in context.
Another term—well known in both Greek and Hebrew—will be helpful as we start to read Mark’s Good News.
Christos and Meshiah
Christos (“Christ”) is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term meshiah (“Messiah”). Both of them mean “anointed one” and, like euanggelizo, they have a technical meaning as well. Let’s see how Mark uses all of these terms to introduce Israel’s long-awaited “Messiah” as the centerpiece of the “Good News” for Jews and Romans alike.