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1 and 2 Samuel: The Rise of Kingship
Lesson OneOverview of 1 and 2 Samuel (1 Samuel 1–3, 8)19 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 1–3, 8
In | Workbook: Hannah and Elizabeth, Part 1
In | Workbook: Hannah and Elizabeth, Part 2
In | Overview
In | Monarchy in the Torah and 1 and 2 Samuel, Part 1
In | Workbook: Monarchy in the Torah and 1 and 2 Samuel
In | Monarchy in the Torah and 1 and 2 Samuel, Part 2
In | The Slow Emergence of Monarchy
In | Prayer of Hannah and Song of David
In | Tragedy and Comedy
In | The Sons of David
In | Kingship
Behind | The Philistine Threat
Behind | Onsite: Failed Leadership in Israel
In Front | The Real King of Israel
In Front | Workbook: Prayer of Hannah and Song of Mary
In Front | Workbook: Our Expectations and God’s Hopes
Getting Started
Lesson TwoSamuel and Kingship (1 Samuel 4–12)24 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 4–12
In | Workbook: The Corruption of Priests
In | The Death of Eli’s Sons
In | Workbook: Deaths of the Sons of Eli and Saul
In | Deaths of the Sons of Eli and Saul
In | The Ark’s Journey
In | Mapping the Ark’s Journey, Part 1
In | Request for a King
In | Workbook: The Price of Kingship, Part 1
In | Workbook: The Price of Kingship, Part 2
In | Workbook: Monarchy in 1 Samuel
In | Final Thoughts In the Text
Behind | Ancient Near Eastern Kingship
Behind | The Question of Sources for 1 and 2 Samuel
Behind | Superstition, Magic and the Ark of YHWH: Dr. Catherine McDowell
Behind | Onsite: Ashkelon - One of the Five Mighty Philistine Cities
Behind | God in a Box
Behind | Gods and Ritual Objects, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: Gods and Ritual Objects
Behind | Gods and Ritual Objects, Part 2
In Front | Father and Sons
In Front | Workbook: God in a Box, Revisited
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSaul’s Demise (1 Samuel 13–19, 28–31)25 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 13–19, 28–31
In | The Spirit of God and Saul, Part 1
In | Workbook: The Spirit of God and Saul
In | The Spirit of God and Saul, Part 2
In | Saul’s Call
In | The Judges and Saul
In | Workbook: Saul’s Fatal Errors
In | Saul's Failure
In | David and Jonathan
In | Death and Doom in Samuel
In | Workbook: The Death of Saul
In | The Death of Saul
In | Body Parts in the Mail
In | Workbook: An Echo from Judges
In | An Echo from Judges
Behind | The Tribe of Benjamin
Behind | Philistines vs. Israelites
Behind | Onsite: Father and Son at Michmash
Behind | International Territory
In Front | Workbook: Reading Paul in the Time of Saul
In Front | Reading Paul in the Time of Saul
In Front | Two Ways of Facing “Competition”
In Front | Workbook: Playing a Supporting Role
Getting Started
Lesson FourDavid’s Rise (1 Samuel 16–27, 29–30)26 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 16–27, 29–30
In | Workbook: Looks and Appearances
In | Looks and Appearances
In | What’s in a Number?
In | Workbook: What’s in a Number?
In | Workbook: David’s Two Introductions
In | Respecting the Lord’s Anointed
In | Narrative Lament
In | Shame to Exoneration
In | A Covenant Pattern
In | Comedies and Tragedies
Behind | David and the Philistines
Behind | The Valley of Elah
Behind | 360 View: Valley of Elah
Behind | Onsite: Families, Flocks and Fields - Understanding David’s World
Behind | Onsite: From Ruth to David to Jesus - In Bethlehem’s Shepherd’s Fields
Behind | Onsite: David's Detour from Royalty - Exploring the Caves of Adullam
Behind | The Wise Woman, Abigail: Dr. Carol Meyers
In Front | A Tension of Strategy and Miracle
In Front | Taking a Risk on God's Name
In Front | The Exoneration of William Wilberforce
In Front | Workbook: The Exoneration of William Wilberforce
In Front | Workbook: Taking a Risk on God’s Name
In Front | “Cave of Adullam” by Sara Groves
Getting Started
Lesson FiveDavid's Reign (2 Samuel)23 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 2 Samuel
In | David’s Power Consolidated
In | Workbook: David’s Power Consolidated
In | A Defense of David’s Legitimacy in 1 and 2 Samuel, Part 2
In | Workbook: What’s in a Name?
In | What’s in a Name?
In | David's Fall
In | Family Trouble
In | Workbook: Joab’s Story
In | Joab’s Story
In | The Census
In | David and Jesus
Behind | Onsite: Taking the City of Jerusalem - Joining Joab Inside the Canaanite Tunnels
Behind | Onsite: Jerusalem - An Orientation: Archaeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay
Behind | Onsite: David’s Palace and Neighborhood - Archaeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay
Behind | Jerusalem: City of David
Behind | David’s Reign: A Hermeneutic of Suspicion
Behind | David’s Story and Ancient Propaganda
In Front | Prerogatives and Pretense
In Front | The Adulteries of King David and a U.S. President
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - 1 and 2 Samuel
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 39
Lesson 1, Activity 2
Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 1–3, 8
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Before you begin this lesson: Read 1 Samuel 1–3, 8