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The Gospel of John
Lesson OneOverview of John (John 1, 5–7, 20)20 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: John 1, 5–7, 20
In | Workbook: Key Words
In | Repetition
In | The Gospel of Signs
In | The Structure of John
In | The Seventh Sign
In | A Faith Booklet
In | Workbook: John and the Synoptics
In | Similarities and Differences
In | Comparing John and the Synoptics
In | “Life” and “Kingdom” in John and Synoptics
In | Bible Project: John 1-12 Overview
Behind | iMap: Context of Jesus' Early Ministry
Behind | Logos
Behind | The Bible's Monotheism
Behind | A Gospel for Jews and Gentiles
In Front | An Unqualified Statement of the Divinity of Christ
In Front | Pocket Testament League: David Collum
Getting Started
Lesson TwoSigns, Faith and Conversations (John 2–4, 11–12)23 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: John 2–4, 11–12
In | Workbook: The First Signs
In | Progressive Revelation in the Signs
In | Cycles of New Creation, 2nd Exodus and Renewed Covenant
In | Creation and New Creation in the Gospel of John
In | Workbook: Creation and New Creation in the Gospel of John
Behind | Water Jars in Cana
Behind | Temple Corruption in Jerusalem
Behind | The Samaritan Woman
Behind | A Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well
Behind | 360 View: Jacob’s Well
Behind | Onsite: True Worshipers - View from Mt. Gerizim
Behind | Onsite: Shame and Honor in Shechem - From Dinah to a Samaritan Woman
Behind | Onsite: Alive Again! - Leaving the Tomb with Lazarus
In Front | Onsite: "A Chapel for Memory and Worship" - The Church of St. Lazarus in Bethany
In Front | A Modern Day Samaritan Woman
In Front | New Beginnings for Women: David Collum
In Front | The Samaritan Woman and Russian Bibles: David Collum
In Front | Lessons from Pearl Harbor: David Collum
In Front | Evangelism as Personal(ized) Conversation
In Front | The Man on a Plane: A Personal Conversation
Getting Started
Lesson Three"I AM" Statements (John 8–10, 14–15)23 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: John 8–10, 14–15
In | Workbook: I AM Statements
In | The Structure of John
In | I AM Statements
In | I Am the Bread of Life
In | "I Am" and "I Am He"
In | Jesus Characterizes True Believers
In | Bible Project: John 13-21 Overview
Behind | The Good Shepherd
Behind | 360 View: Shepherd’s Fold
Behind | Onsite: Provision, Protection and Guidance: Abu Sabah
Behind | The Vine
Behind | Jesus the New Temple
Behind | Workbook: The Hungry and Thirsty Dead
Behind | The Hungry and Thirsty Dead
Behind | Gnashing Teeth
In Front | Union with Jesus in John's Gospel
In Front | Workbook: Jesus the Son of God
In Front | The Power of Prayer: Pastor Sameh Maurice at Kasr El-Dobara Church, Cairo
In Front | Love and Obey: David Collum
In Front | Jesus at Weddings and Funerals: David Collum
Getting Started
Lesson FourFestivals and Fulfillment (John 2, 7, 18–19)16 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: John 2, 7, 18–19
In | Passover
In | Jewish Festivals in John’s Gospel
In | The Feast of Tabernacles
Behind | Onsite: Booths in the Wilderness - Recalling the Past, Anticipating Eternity
Behind | Messianic Expectations and Fulfillment
Behind | 360 View: The Good Shepherd
Behind | Onsite: The Story of the Bible in a Sheaf of Wheat
Behind | Sacred Time and Space
Behind | Onsite: Spotless Lamb
Behind | Onsite: Palm Sunday Procession
In Front | Living Between Pentecost and Tabernacles
In Front | From Exodus to Passover
In Front | **Warning, Not Appropriate for Children** Onsite: Songs about the Blood
Getting Started
Lesson FiveAuthor and Audience (John 13, 16, 17 and 21)17 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: John 13, 16, 17 and 21
In | Authorship of John
In | Workbook: Explicit Old Testament Quotations in John
In | Explicit Old Testament Quotations in John
In | Workbook: Attribution of Old Testament Quotes in John's Gospel
Behind | Perspectives on John’s Gospel
Behind | Is John a Gnostic Gospel
Behind | Is John's Gospel Anti-Semitic
Behind | A Passion Play in Germany
In Front | The Unity of Jesus and the Father
In Front | The Meaning of Glory: Abuna Elias Chacour
In Front | Jesus' Prayer for Unity: A Case Study From Egypt
In Front | As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You
In Front | Trinity
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - John
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 58
Lesson 1, Activity 17
Behind | A Gospel for Jews and Gentiles
Lesson Progress
0% Complete