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Joshua: Conquest
Lesson OneOverview of Joshua (Joshua 1-5)23 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Joshua 1-5
In | Workbook: As it was with Moses, so also with Joshua, Part 1
In | Workbook: As it was with Moses, so also with Joshua, Part 2
In | Succession
In | Joshua's Place in the Canon
In | Differing Canonical Divisions
In | The Deuteronomic History
In | Joshua and Deuteronomy
In | Workbook: Joshua and Deuteronomy
In | Deuteronomic History and the Composition of the OT
In | Workbook: Joshua as an Historical and Prophetic Book
In | Workbook: Major Topics in Joshua
In | The Structure of Joshua
In | Workbook: The Structure of Joshua
In | Land and Rest in Joshua
In | Map of the Land
Behind | Holy War
Behind | Holy War as Propaganda
In Front | The Evolution of Holy War
In Front | Workbook: Holy War and the Christian
In Front | Workbook: Reflections on Holy War
Getting Started
Lesson TwoThe Central Campaign (Joshua 6–10:28)16 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Joshua 6–10:28
In | A New Exodus
In | Workbook: A New Exodus
In | Workbook: The Trumpets in Jericho
In | From Jericho to Ai
In | Jericho and Sodom
In | Workbook: Jericho and Sodom
In | Inner-Biblical Parallels
Behind | The Jordan River
Behind | Jericho
Behind | Egyptian Daybooks
In Front | Workbook: Jordan River Spirituals
In Front | The Bloodline that Matters
In Front | Workbook: The Boundaries of the Community
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSouthern and Northern Campaigns (Joshua 10:29–12:24)23 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Joshua 10:29–12:24
In | Workbook: Joshua and the Gibeonites
In | The Gibeonite Deception
In | Workbook: The Battle Against the Five Kings
In | The Northern Campaign
In | Workbook: Joshua 11-12
In | Summary Statements
In | Workbook: Comparing the Northern and Southern Campaigns
Behind | Near Eastern Campaign Narrative Genre in Joshua
Behind | The Historical Context of Joshua
Behind | Onsite: Amarna Tablets - Hapiru for Hebrew?
Behind | The Conquest: Bible versus Archaeology
Behind | Cities Destroyed
Behind | The Conquest of Joshua
Behind | Megiddo
Behind | Tel Hazor
Behind | Onsite: Hazor
In Front | Answering the Issue of Holy War in Joshua
In Front | Workbook: Answering the Issue of Holy War in Joshua
In Front | Strategy and Miracles
In Front | Workbook: Pondering the Intersection of Human Effort and Divine Action
Getting Started
Lesson FourAllotments (Joshua 13–21)19 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Joshua 13–21
In | iMap: Tribal Allotments in Joshua
In | Tribal Allotments in Joshua
In | Joshua and Rest
In | Joshua's Two Maps
In | Victory and Control
In | Workbook: Cities Unconquered
In | Workbook: The Inheritance of the Tribe of Levi, Part 1
In | The Inheritance of the Tribe of Levi, Part 1
In | Workbook: The Inheritance of the Tribe of Levi, Part 2
In | The Inheritance of the Tribe of Levi , Part 2
Behind | Land Allotments in Antiquity
In Front | Rest
In Front | Workbook: Rest in Joshua and Hebrews
In Front | Workbook: Rest and the New Jerusalem
In Front | Living with the Ideal and the Real
In Front | Workbook: Reflection on Victory in YHWH
Getting Started
Lesson FiveCovenant Renewal (Joshua 22–24)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Joshua 22–24
In | Workbook: The Altar at Mt. Ebal
In | Ebal, Gerizim and Shechem
In | Workbook: Joshua 24:1-28
In | Workbook: Moses and Joshua, Part 1
In | Workbook: Moses and Joshua, Part 2
In | Workbook: Character Study of Joshua
Behind | Mt. Ebal
In Front | Memorial Stones
In Front | Remember
In Front | Workbook: Mt. Ebal Experiences
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Joshua
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 43
Lesson 1, Activity 22
In Front | Workbook: Reflections on Holy War
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
As we will see, the issue of Holy War in the Old Testament is a layered issue. These questions will help us think more clearly about the contemporary discussion—and its raw emotion—around this notion of Holy War. We’ll return to the topic in Lesson 3.
- How do you feel about God mobilizing the Israelite community for a military campaign as agents of His judgment on the Canaanites? Do you have concerns about the legitimacy of these campaigns against the Canaanites? If so, what are they?
- What else have you noticed in the Bible that involves mass judgment, regardless of the agent?
- How would you answer a friend who says, “I can’t believe in a God who wipes out innocent women and children”?