Leviticus, Part 2 and Numbers, Part 1: Holy Days, Holy People
Lesson OneSacred Time: Sabbath and Jubilee (Lev 25)13 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 25
In | Workbook: Sabbath in the Pentateuch
In | Sacred Time
In | Jubilee
Behind | Agricultural Context
Behind | Workbook: The Sabbath, Ancient and New
In Front | Jesus and the Sabbath
In Front | Jesus and the Jubilee
In Front | Christians, Sabbath and the Jubilee
In Front | Christianity Today: Jubilee 2000: Poor Nations Get Debt Relief
In Front | Workbook: Jubilee 2000: Poor Nations Get Debt Relief
Getting Started
Lesson TwoSacred Time: Pilgrimage Festivals (Lev 23, Num 9, 28-29; Deut 16)12 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 23; Numbers 9, 28-29; Deuteronomy 16
In | Workbook: Sacred Days
In | Pilgrimage Holidays
In | Agricultural, Historical and Prophetic Context
In | Workbook: Prophetic Dimensions of the Pilgrimage Holidays
Behind | Seasons, Gods and Israel's Calendar
Behind | Onsite: The Story of the Bible in a Sheaf of Wheat
Behind | Onsite: Booths in the Wilderness - Recalling the Past, Anticipating Eternity
In Front | The Biblical Calendar and the Church Calendar
In Front | Workbook: The Biblical Calendar and the Church Calendar - Overlap and Expansion
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSacred Community (Lev 11-20)14 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 11-20
In | Workbook: Scale Disease
In | Scale Disease
In | Uncleanness and Impurity
In | Rites of Purification
In | Imperfection
In | The Democracy of Impurity
Behind | Impurity and Access to the Divine
In Front | Holiness Today
In Front | Christians and Defilement
In Front | Our Daily Bread: The Leviticus Reminder
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Leviticus
Getting Started
Lesson FourPeople Ready (Num 1-10)15 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Numbers 1-10
In | Workbook: Censuses
In | The People Are Ready
In | Workbook: The Meaning of ‘Eleph
In | The Levites
In | The Purity of the Camp
In | Trumpets
Behind | Tribal Encampments
Behind | Organization of the Camp
In Front | Numbers Matter
In Front | Onsite: The Aaronic Benediction
In Front | Our Daily Bread: God’s Way
In Front | Ecclesiology: Commissioner Phil Needham
Getting Started
Lesson FivePeople Not Ready (Num 11-20)20 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Numbers 11-20
In | Literary Structures
In | Chiasm Joshua
In | Workbook: Moses’ Chiastic Speech
In | Chronic Faithlessness
In | Rebellion of the People
In | Rebellion of the Priests
In | Rebellion of Moses
In | The Bible Project: Numbers
Behind | Geography
Behind | Onsite: Water from the Rock
Behind | Ethnic Diversity
Behind | Quail
In Front | Judgment Is Inevitable
In Front | Lost and Second Chances
In Front | Painting Pictures of Egypt: Sara Groves
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Are You a Complainer?
In Front | Workbook: The Uniqueness of Leviticus and Numbers
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
In | Trumpets
In Numbers 10, the same trumpets used for battle were used for worship. When we get to Joshua and the Israelites surround the city of Jericho, they’re going to blow these trumpets. That will activate a kind of cosmic moment of divine judgment. God was organizing Israel as a worshiping community, and also a mobile militia, and the trumpet was an emblem of both worship and warfare.
As you can see from the chart below, the trumpet was a simple means of communication with a diverse range of meaning. Even when it wasn’t activating divine judgement and bringing down city walls, it had a crucial role in the life of Israel, for practical concerns, worship and war.
Source: Roy E. Gane, The NIV Application Commentary: Leviticus, Numbers, 2004, p. 571.
The Signal and Verses | Sounds | Who the Signal Is For |
Assembly at the Sanctuary: 10:3-7 | Long on 2 trumpet | Community assembles at sanctuary court |
Assembly at the Sanctuary: 10:4 | Long on 1 trumpet | Chieftains assemble at sanctuary court |
Break Camp for Travel: 10:5 | 1st short | Tribes camping east of sanctuary set out |
Break Camp for Travel: 10:6 | 2nd short | Tribes camping south of sanctuary set out |
Break Camp for Travel: Understood, LXX 10:6; cf 2:24, 10:22 | 3rd short | Tribes camping west of sanctuary set out |
Break Camp for Travel: Understood, LXX 10:6; cf 2:31, 10:25 | 4th short | Tribes camping north of sanctuary set out |
Go to War: 10:9 | Short | Israelites go to war in their land against oppressors |
Celebrate: 10:10 | Long | Israelites celebrate religious joyful times, appointed festivals, new moons |