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Leviticus, Part 1: Holy Priesthood, Holy Offerings

  1. Lesson One
    Holy Priesthood Part 1 (Ex 29, 40; Lev 7-10, 21-22)
    15 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Holy Priesthood Part 2 (Ex 29, 40; Lev 7-10, 21-22)
    16 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Sacred Offerings and Sacrifices (Lev 11-20)
    24 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Unique Offering (Lev 16-17)
    14 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Views of Sanctity (Lev 17-27)
    19 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

It was common among other religions in the ancient Near East for priests to be set apart; it was no different with the high priest in Israel. He not only had a unique role but different social limitations and requirements. In the religious life of the community, his importance was unparalleled. He represented the community in his interactions with God. This is evident in the two methods prescribed here. Bulls, used exclusively by the high priest, were Israel’s most powerful and important animals, whereas the flock animals required of laity and other leaders were common.  

High priest or congregation 
(Lev 4:3-21)
Leader and regular citizens
(Lev 4:22-35)
What animal is used?BullFlock animal (male animal for leader, female animal for citizen)
What happens to the blood?Brought into Holy Place; sprinkled 7 times before veil; put on horns of incense altar; remainder poured out at base of burnt offering altar

Put on horns of burnt offering altar, remainder poured out at base of burnt offering altar
Who officiates?High priestPriest
What happens to the meat?Fat burned on burnt offering altar; remainder of meat burned outside the camp

Fat burned on burnt offering altar; remainder of meat eaten by priests (6:24-20)