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Leviticus, Part 1: Holy Priesthood, Holy Offerings
Lesson OneHoly Priesthood Part 1 (Ex 29, 40; Lev 7-10, 21-22)15 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 29, 40; Leviticus 7–10, 21–22
In | Workbook: Two Presentation Methods
In | Two Presentation Methods
In | Priestly Vestments
In | Priestly and High Priestly Vestments
In | Workbook: Priestly and High Priestly Vestments
In | Urim and Thummim
In | Allotments
Behind | Access to the Divine
Behind | The Role of Priests
Behind | Female Priests and Fertility Magic
Behind | The Installation of the Baal Priestess at Emar
In Front | The Priesthood and Jesus
Getting Started
Lesson TwoHoly Priesthood Part 2 (Ex 29, 40; Lev 7-10, 21-22)16 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 29, 40; Leviticus 7–10, 21–22 review
In | Sacred Personnel
In | Workbook: Sacred Personnel
In | Workbook: Blood Daubing
In | Blood Daubing
In | The Priest as Leader
In | Onsite: The Priest as Teacher
In | Priestly Portions and Purity
In | Priestly Discrimination
In | The Bible Project: Leviticus
Behind | Ancient Near Eastern Priesthood
Behind | Tracing Lineage Back to Adam: Samaritan Priest Husni Wasef Al Samri
In Front | The Priesthood of All Believers
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Start with One Step
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSacred Offerings and Sacrifices (Lev 11-20)24 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 11-20
In | Workbook: Sacrifices and Offerings
In | Recapitulation in the Pentateuch
In | Burnt Offering
In | Grain Offering
In | Peace/Fellowship Offering
In | Sin and Guilt Offerings
In | Workbook: Blood in the Sacrificial System
In | The Priestly Picture of Dorian Gray: Sin Offering or Purification Offering
In | Observations on the Sacrificial System
Behind | Onsite: Spotless Lamb
Behind | Parallels to the Ritual System
Behind | Political Parallels
Behind | Onsite: Family Parallels to the Sacrificial System
Behind | Family Parallels
Behind | Dancing
In Front | Worship and Food
In Front | Aaron’s and Christ’s Priestly Ministries
In Front | Workbook: Aaron’s and Christ’s Priestly Ministries
In Front | Holy "Living Sacrifices"
In Front | Workbook: Living Sacrifice
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Unintentional
Getting Started
Lesson FourUnique Offering (Lev 16-17)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 16-17
In | Day of Atonement
In | Preparation for the Day of Atonement
In | The Day Arrives
In | The Bible Project: Sacrifice and Atonement
In | The Red Cow
Behind | Onsite: The Centrality of Blood
Behind | Incense and Mediation
In Front | Incense and Christianity
In Front | Workbook: Reflecting on Incense in Worship
In Front | John's Lamb of God
In Front | **Warning, Not Appropriate for Children** Onsite: Songs about the Blood
Getting Started
Lesson FiveViews of Sanctity (Lev 17-27)19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Leviticus 17-27
In | Holiness Code
In | Workbook: Israel’s Holy Role in History
In | The Big Picture
In | Holiness as a Cross-Cultural Experience
In | Workbook: Which of These Defile?
In | Which of These Defile?
In | Life, Death and the Logic of Defilement
In | Holiness as Representative Portion
In | Holiness as Graded Spheres of Intensity
In | Holiness as Ideal Correspondence
In | The Bible Project: Holy
Behind | Views of the Sacred
In Front | Jesus and the Dietary Laws
In Front | Jesus and the Purity Laws
In Front | Being Holy in the 21st Century
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Holiness
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 1, Activity 2
Lesson Text: Exodus 29, 40; Leviticus 7–10, 21–22
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Before you begin this lesson: Read Exodus 29, 40; Leviticus 7–10, 21–22