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Kings and Chronicles, Part 1: The Demise of Kingship

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Lesson One
    Rise and Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 1-8)
    20 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Solomon’s Fall (1 Kings 9-11)
    13 Activities
    2 Assessments
  3. Lesson Three
    Overview of 1 and 2 Kings (1 Kings 12–16, 2 Kings 9–17)
    33 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17 – 2 Kings 1)
    26 Activities
    2 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    The Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2–9)
    17 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson 2, Activity 5
In Progress

In | Workbook: Explaining Solomon’s Sin

5 Min
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Grab your Workbook Journal!

[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]

Solomon’s sin is explained in what is arguably one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament. Read 1 Kings 11 and then answer the following questions:

  1. Whom did Solomon love? (Be specific.)
  1. What are some of the infractions Solomon committed? (Again, be specific.)
  1. How does God ultimately summarize the reign of Solomon? What is the specific phrase used?
  1. What is the stated reason(s) for the kingdom being taken away from Judah?
  1. How much of the kingdom was to be taken away, and what is the stated reason(s) why some of the kingdom would be retained?